Pack Premium – The Power of Comprehensive Management with BikeSoft

Unparalleled Dealership Management

If you aspire to achieve unparalleled dealership management, our Pack Premium is the solution. With BikeSoft, Exact, and Cubios (bi), you have access to a comprehensive accounting and reporting solution that transforms your dealership into a model of efficiency.

Customized Dashboard

With the Pack Premium, you can create your own customized dashboards tailored to your specific needs. No more juggling standardized reports; adapt your dashboard to track what matters most to your dealership.

Total Integration

The seamless integration of Cubios with Exact and BikeSoft provides additional benefits in terms of dashboards and reporting. You gain access to even more relevant data and in-depth analysis to guide your strategic decisions.

The significance of Reporting

In business, reporting is crucial. It enables you to make informed decisions, identify trends, track objectives, monitor performance, communicate effectively, measure profitability, ensure compliance with regulations, and continuously improve. With the Pack Premium, reporting becomes a major asset for your dealership.

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Proxy-Informatique présente BikeSoft, un logiciel pour les concessions Motos, quads, vélos. De la gestion de votre concession à la comptabilité.

Boost your business with BikeSoft, the powerful management software for motorcycle, quad, and bicycle dealerships!

Explore our product presentation and let yourself be captivated by the excellence of our offers. Download them now and be inspired by our exceptional range.

La non-conformité à la directive NIS 2 peut avoir des conséquences graves sur la sécurité des informations et la réputation des entreprises.
The Consequences of Non-Compliance with the NIS 2 Directive
La directive NIS 2, prévue pour entrer en vigueur en 2024, apporte des changements significatifs aux exigences en matière de cybersécurité pour les entreprises.
How to Comply with the NIS 2 Directive
Comprendre les enjeux spécifiques de cette réglementation devient impératif pour les entreprises cherchant à maintenir la sécurité de leurs systèmes d'information.
Understanding the Challenges of NIS 2 for 2024
La directive NIS 2 arrive en 2024, redéfinissant les normes de cybersécurité pour les PME. Découvrez les étapes essentielles pour rester conforme et comment PROXY-INFORMATIQUE se positionne comme votre partenaire de confiance dans cette transition cruciale.
NIS 2: Crucial Insights for SMEs Cybersecurity in 2024