
Make an appointment online

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Discover how PROXY-INFORMATIQUE can help you to develop your business through Cloud solutions 

Les Plenesses 71, 4890 Thimister-Clermont

+32 87 71 00 30

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm 

Your message 

All of our Cloud solutions are designed to make your job easier and improve communication between the various stakeholders. No matter what industry you operate in, we have a solution for you! 

Discover our bespoke applications to help you manage your finances, clients, employees, students, inventory, electronic devices, hardware and more. 

PROXY-INFORMATIQUE se positionne comme un partenaire de choix pour les petites et moyennes structures qui souhaitent un conseil et une digitalisation des processus métiers performants de leur entreprise avec l’humain comme unique point commun.